Monday, January 26, 2009

Wherever you go, go with all your Heart

I would like to claim authorship of that beautiful quote, but Confucius beat me to it. (by a year or two)

Saturday night the doorbell rang rather late, and upon opening the door, this array of hearts greeted us.

"Heart attacking" wasn't around when I was a teenager... we tp'd homes, and then after a suitable wait (at least a few hours) tp'd the same home again. There was always an element of excitement- knowing that our parents wouldn't let us take multiple rolls of toliet paper, so a big part of our fun was finding ways to hide the rolls under our shirts, sweaters (this was california, my friends, we didn't know the word for "coat",) in purses - "why yes mom, I really think this extra-large beach bag goes great with my corduroys!"

One thing I love about heart attacking is that there is a bit of work involved- cutting out all those hearts takes some time, and often the attackers write cute/silly/fun/meaningless/meaningful statements on the hearts. One of my favorite was a heart that proclaimed "I love MORMAN girls." A derivative of heart attacking (though more expensive) is post-it-ing, which is popular with the male teenagers who don't cut hearts quite as well, or anywhere near as patiently as the females. (Sorry, it's a fact...well, I read it somewhere... it's those fine (or are they gross?) motor skills.)

Another thing I love about heart attacking is that the hearts are happy, they are joyful, and not just the attackee gets to enjoy the colorful display and act of fun, but the whole family. With two teenagers at home, there was an animated discussion late Saturday night as to who was actually the "attackee" this particular time... but as far as I'm concerned, we were all lucky attackees.

So heart-attackers, bring it on!!! Because wherever you are going, you are going with all your heart.... (and hearts) and Confucius would be proud!

1 comment:

Sophie Johnson said...

Well its true about the post-it-noting! I believe it was your son who with another boy post-it-noted my door and i thought how cute, i still have them!
oh and by the way had a great time while i was at your house! I love coming by, its always so happy and fun! your amazing and i love you!!