Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hard to embrace "EMBRACE"

I didn't know how easy I had it last year- my word was "faith." I was able to find references to faith everywhere I looked... the Bible, the Book of Mormon, even Oprah's magazine had blurbs on faith. Because faith is such a core belief in my life, it wasn't too hard to step it up a level, to increase my faith, to really try to understand the impact of faith on my life.

Now I move to "embrace" as my word... and I am finding that the concept of embracing- or as the dictionary says, "to take up willingly and eagerly" - who I am and who I can be... it's hard. I'd like to change my word... to something I'm already doing. Embracing myself has not been a core belief in my life... (one can only have so many core beliefs) and I have tended to focus on the "must becomes" and "must do's" instead of the "I am ok's."

This year I would like to focus on embracing the "I am ok's," and yet also keep in the forefront of my embracing the "would like to becomes", and the "would like to do's" (My father complains that this all sounds vague and obamaish.)

But I can't change my word- I've already ordered my "embrace" necklace.

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