Friday, December 12, 2008

35 and 4,380 days

Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 35 and 4,380 days. It was a wonderful day (except for all those thousands of days added on to the end of my 35 years...) and I was reminded yet again how fortunate I am for the people in my life. A birthday isn't really so much a marking of years as it is a time to bask in the glow of all those wishes and to reflect on both the temporal and the spiritual blessings I have.

ok, I'll admit... a birthday really is a marking of years.
but didn't it sound nice the other way?
I really believed it for a minute.


Anonymous said...

Hey one more year just means that you've lived through one year more filled with joy, and instead of looking at the 35 years and 4,380 days look at the past 365 days and the future year to improve and remember!

dontnoy said...

very insightful spencer. I love your blog Colette. This is why I have pushed back so much on blogging. I'm not good at it.

Hokie said...

While I hate to push my specialty on people in Spanish it makes more sense. CumpleaƱos, means completion of years. And as the other comments go, that is indeed what we are accomplishing as we celebrate the day of our birth.