Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MWAC in a Mirror!

MWAC is an acronym for "Mom With A Camera" and isn't a compliment in the world of photography. But to me? A compliment! What could be better than a mom with a camera?

A mom with a camera in front of the mirror! Since the MWAC never gets into the photos and lest everyone think that she was somehow out of town (or out of her mind, which is far more likely) for all the great family events and holidays, the MWAC takes self-portraits in the mirror. This has also been deemed "not cool" by the powers that be (whoever they are) but since I am late to the cool party anyways, I decided to insert myself into my family history via self-portraits in the mirror. The other day the hair and outfit gods seemed to align nicely and so I grabbed my camera for my big photo shoot in the mirror.

Hmmmm. This MWAC found the whole self-portrait thing to be harder than she thought it would be! Really now, how hard is it to point the camera into the mirror, smile prettily, and shoot? HARD!!

My first attempt did a nice job of focusing on the plastic flowers and baseball hat on the bathroom counter. Note for future self-portraiture in the mirror. Find a good mirror outside the bathroom.

My second attempt did a great job of memorializing the outfit (the jacket was only $7.48 on clearance, how cool is that?) but somehow missed the person inside.

Attempts three through one hundred involved strange expressions, oddly flared nostrils (remember next time to shoot from above, not below), closed eyes, awkward messy closet shots and the clutter on the bathroom counter.

Attempt #101 is the best of the day. A partial attempt to get myself into the photo album. It works for me.

The MWAC is tired and will now GTTKFAS. (go to the kitchen for a snack)


Cyd said...

You are such a great photographer!

Anonymous said...

Your amazing mother!

Hokie said...

The trick is to point it at yourself and use the image in the mirror to view what the camera is viewing. Then you don't have to dodge the camera. Does that make sense? Good pictures anyway. :)

colette said...

laura, you mean that I'm not really supposed to take the picture into the mirror? lololol. No wonder it was such a trial!!!

dontnoy said...

I have only tried the camera at arms length which never produces anything good.