Friday, March 6, 2009

Two Run-on Sentence Book Reviews

I've spent alot of time lately reading, less time doing necessary chores around the house. But it's been so much more interesting than doing chores... That reminds me of a poem I've used often to avoid my not-cleaning-the-house-guilt....

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow
for they will be back, I've learned to my sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm reading my book and it's really deep!

(with my apologies to the original poetess Ruth Hulbert Hamilton)

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

An absorbing read that started out strong but reminded me of a term paper I once wrote that reached the required number of pages before I really dealt properly with the subject; I promptly ended the paper (and didn't get a great grade.) The story line deals with several intense issues including mental illness, incest, and fanatacism, and I guarantee you that the movie (which I am sure will be made someday) will be way too scary for me to see!

The Poyson Garden by Karen Harper

A light and fairly amusing mystery featuring Elizabeth I as the amateur detective resolving mysteries that especially pertain to her future kingdom and her desire to remain alive to reign over that kingdom. This book strains the imagination on several points, especially Elizabeth's never-failing ability to sneak out of the manor house she was "imprisoned" at during the reign of her sister Queen Mary, but still manages to be a fun read.

A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick

The depth of this book surprised me after a bland beginning telling the story of Evelyn who decides open a quilt store and start new life in Connecticut after her husband (who she dutifully served for many years) leaves her. The book turns out to be an enjoyable read as the author develops the characters delightfully and skillfully deals with the topic of forgiveness.

1 comment:

dontnoy said...

I wish I had more time to read. I'm so very jealous.