Monday, March 9, 2009

Jai-Ho means...

And if you haven't heard of jai-ho before, you need to watch this Jai-ho is one of the songs on the soundtrack for the movie Slumdog Millionaire.

I've read several books (A Suitable Boy, The Space Between Us, Bombay Nights) based in India, and I would love to go there someday....

This morning as I headed off to another day at the office doing final (and detested) year-end work, I played Jai-Ho loud and sang even louder. It was enough to scare the (ironically Indian-looking) man in the silver SUV next to me into speeding up and disappearing rapidly into the distance. That caused me to laugh which may have scared other drivers! I may see myself in a news report tonight- police are seeking middle-aged woman last seen laughing wildly while singing and "dancing" to rousing indian music. Suspected of scaring all other drivers off the road.

All in was a Jai-Ho day!

1 comment:

dontnoy said...

This is so funny, I needed a good laugh and Logan is next to me looking like what?