Monday, January 11, 2010

The Missionary

Just received the last e-mail of the mission.
The missionary comes home in a week.
Sending my eldest on a mission was the very hardest and yet one of the very best things I've done in my life.
So far.
This picture was taken during our Christmas day phone call with him. He has the knack of closing, squinting, winking or doing other awkward things with his eyes in almost every picture we've ever taken of him. But here? Smiling big, eyes wide....and a cell phone attached to his ear.
**edited to add- when I looked at the larger version of this picture, I noticed that yes, he still has a bit of his signature squint. That's ok- it still counts as eyes wide in "bradford picture history!"
I don't see the cell phone (too much) though. I see my son, totally happy and enjoying the wonderful family who graciously celebrated their Christmas day with him.
I see someone new too- a man who has served his Heavenly Father faithfully for two years. A man who has found true joy in missionary work.
I'm so excited to be at the airport next week awaiting his return.
I'm excited to see the son I sent off- to hug him, enjoy him, and probably get some goofy pictures.
I'm also excited...actually very excited to see the man he has become.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I cannot believe he is old enough to be coming home from a mission!!! Where has the time gone??