Monday, April 6, 2009

The Thrill of Victory (at a small cost)

Over the weekend, DH and I got together with some friends for treats and games.
I was in charge of the game-

I brought "encore" which is actually an older game but can still be purchased at for $12.95. Of course, you'll have to buy another book worth at least $13 to get the free shipping...but that makes it all the more fun! Because another book is always a good thing.

The gist behind Encore is to break into teams, pick a card, then come up with as many songs as possible with lyrics using the word on the card. An example would be the word "red"...Possible songs would be "Little Red Corvette" or "Lady in Red." Sometimes many songs come to mind, sometimes nothing! The team who can't come up with songs repeatedly, loses.

DH is very good at this game. I learned that I am very good at remembering every single inappropriate song I've ever heard with the chosen word in it. When the 20 second egg timer is turned over, it's amazing how the mind turns blank. Except for the songs you don't want to sing in mixed company. Unless you really want to win. Which I always do.

For the word "like"
I shouted out "I like big butts and I cannot lie!"
the crowd was quiet.
They don't know that song.
They were slightly shocked that I sang the song slightly off-tune and without missing a word.
DH knows that song!
But he sat there (on the other team) looking blankly at me as if to say-
who is this woman and why is she here?
Of course his eyes are totally laughing behind his blank look.
But I'm the only one that knows that.

I stubbornly insisted that not only was "I like big butts" a real song, but one of my favorites..
(it's not really.)
Scarily enough they believed me.

They didn't seem to believe me as easily when later in the game the word was "til" and I stated that one of my favorite songs in the whole wide world is "God be with you til we meet again." (it is, really.)

Ah, the costs associated with the thrill of victory.
Because of course,
my team won.


dontnoy said...

THis is so funny and I remember some of the songs you came up with when we played. I wonder about your music choices?

dontnoy said...

I was so excited to have so many comments. Thank you

dontnoy said...

I think I will start the planning now for each of them and you because the better I plan the more changes can be made.

dontnoy said...

I just read this again and it is still so funny.

dontnoy said...

you can make me laugh hundreds of miles away.