Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Power of Sleep

I wrote a post last night lamenting everything in the world that can be lamented.

There was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Partway through my teeth started to hurt from the gnashing and the weeping was clouding my vision so the post was saved and I retreated to an early bedtime.

12 hours of sleep later, I revisited the post and felt sympathy for the poor pitiable soul that wrote it.


Everything looks rosy and the world is a good place this morning.

Sleep. I highly recommend it when upon life's billows you are tempest tossed (that's a hymn- and it tells you to count your blessings which is a fine idea also- but sometimes sleep trumps all!)
And if you are the mother of young ones....this too shall pass. Your day of uninterrupted sleep will return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kind of sounds like my day!!
Good advice I just might take it :)